Code Structure

The TensorTrade library is modular. The tensortrade library usually has a common setup:

  1. An abstract MetaABC class that highlights the methods that will generally be called inside of the main TradingEnvironment.
  2. Specific applications of that abstract class are then specified later to make more detailed specifications.

Example of Structure:

A good example of this structure is the Exchange component. It represents all exchange interactions.

The beginning of the code in Exchange is seen here.

class Exchange(object, metaclass=ABCMeta):
    """An abstract exchange for use within a trading environment."""

    def __init__(self, base_instrument: str = 'USD', dtype: Union[type, str] = np.float32, feature_pipeline: FeaturePipeline = None):
            base_instrument: The exchange symbol of the instrument to store/measure value in.
            dtype: A type or str corresponding to the dtype of the `observation_space`.
            feature_pipeline: A pipeline of feature transformations for transforming observations.
        self._base_instrument = base_instrument
        self._dtype = dtype
        self._feature_pipeline = feature_pipeline

As you can see above, the Exchange has a large majority of the instantiation details that carries over to all other reprentations of that type of class. ABCMeta represents that all classes that inherit it shall be recognizable as an instance of Exchange. This is nice when you need to do type checking.

When creating a new exchange type (everything that’s an inheritance of the Exchange), one needs to add further details for how information should be declared by default. Once you create a new type of exchange, you can have new rules placed in by default. Let’s look at the SimulatedExchange and it can have parameters dynamically set via the **kwargs arguement in later exchanges.


class SimulatedExchange(Exchange):
    """An exchange, in which the price history is based off the supplied data frame and
    trade execution is largely decided by the designated slippage model.
    If the `data_frame` parameter is not supplied upon initialization, it must be set before
    the exchange can be used within a trading environment.

    def __init__(self, data_frame: pd.DataFrame = None, **kwargs):
            dtype=self.default('dtype', np.float32),
            feature_pipeline=self.default('feature_pipeline', None)

        self._commission_percent = self.default('commission_percent', 0.3, kwargs)
        self._base_precision = self.default('base_precision', 2, kwargs)
        self._instrument_precision = self.default('instrument_precision', 8, kwargs)
        self._min_trade_size = self.default('min_trade_size', 1e-6, kwargs)
        self._max_trade_size = self.default('max_trade_size', 1e6, kwargs)

        self._initial_balance = self.default('initial_balance', 1e4, kwargs)
        self._observation_columns = self.default(
            ['open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'volume'],
        self._price_column = self.default('price_column', 'close', kwargs)
        self._window_size = self.default('window_size', 1, kwargs)
        self._pretransform = self.default('pretransform', True, kwargs)
        self._price_history = None

        self.data_frame = self.default('data_frame', data_frame)

        model = self.default('slippage_model', 'uniform', kwargs)
        self._slippage_model = slippage.get(model) if isinstance(model, str) else model()

Everything that inherits SimulatedExchange uses the specified kwargs to set the parameters.

Therefore, even when we don’t directly see the parameters inside of FBMExchange, all of the defaults are being called.

An example:

exchange = FBMExchange(base_instrument='BTC', timeframe='1h', base_precision=4) # we're replacing the default base precision.