Source code for

from tensortrade.base import Clock
from tensortrade.base.exceptions import InsufficientFunds
from tensortrade.wallets import Wallet
from tensortrade.instruments import Quantity
from tensortrade.exchanges import ExchangeOptions
from tensortrade.orders import Order, Trade, TradeType, TradeSide

[docs]def contain_price(price: float, options: 'ExchangeOptions') -> float: return max(min(price, options.max_trade_price), options.min_trade_price)
[docs]def contain_size(size: float, options: 'ExchangeOptions') -> float: return max(min(size, options.max_trade_size), options.min_trade_size)
[docs]def execute_buy_order(order: 'Order', base_wallet: 'Wallet', quote_wallet: 'Wallet', current_price: float, options: 'ExchangeOptions', exchange_id: str, clock: 'Clock') -> 'Trade': price = contain_price(current_price, options) if order.type == TradeType.LIMIT and order.price < current_price: return None commission = Quantity(order.pair.base, order.size * options.commission, order.path_id) size = contain_size(order.size - commission.size, options) if order.type == TradeType.MARKET: scale = order.price / price size = contain_size(scale * order.size - commission.size, options) base_wallet -= commission try: quantity = Quantity(order.pair.base, size, order.path_id) base_wallet -= quantity except InsufficientFunds: balance = base_wallet.locked[order.path_id] quantity = Quantity(order.pair.base, balance.size, order.path_id) base_wallet -= quantity quote_size = (order.price / price) * (size / price) quote_wallet += Quantity(order.pair.quote, quote_size, order.path_id) trade = Trade(, exchange_id=exchange_id, step=clock.step, pair=order.pair, side=TradeSide.BUY, trade_type=order.type, quantity=quantity, price=price, commission=commission) return trade
[docs]def execute_sell_order(order: 'Order', base_wallet: 'Wallet', quote_wallet: 'Wallet', current_price: float, options: 'ExchangeOptions', exchange_id: str, clock: 'Clock') -> 'Trade': price = contain_price(current_price, options) if order.type == TradeType.LIMIT and order.price > current_price: return None commission = Quantity(order.pair.base, order.size * options.commission, order.path_id) size = contain_size(order.size - commission.size, options) try: quote_size = size / price * (price / order.price) quote_wallet -= Quantity(order.pair.quote, quote_size, order.path_id) except InsufficientFunds: balance = quote_wallet.locked[order.path_id] quote_size = balance.size quote_wallet -= Quantity(order.pair.quote, quote_size, order.path_id) base_size = quote_size * price / (price / order.price) quantity = Quantity(order.pair.base, base_size, order.path_id) base_wallet += quantity base_wallet -= commission trade = Trade(, exchange_id=exchange_id, step=clock.step, pair=order.pair, side=TradeSide.SELL, trade_type=order.type, quantity=quantity, price=price, commission=commission) return trade
[docs]def execute_order(order: 'Order', base_wallet: 'Wallet', quote_wallet: 'Wallet', current_price: float, options: 'Options', exchange_id: str, clock: 'Clock') -> 'Trade': if order.is_buy: trade = execute_buy_order( order=order, base_wallet=base_wallet, quote_wallet=quote_wallet, current_price=current_price, options=options, exchange_id=exchange_id, clock=clock ) elif order.is_sell: trade = execute_sell_order( order=order, base_wallet=base_wallet, quote_wallet=quote_wallet, current_price=current_price, options=options, exchange_id=exchange_id, clock=clock ) else: trade = None return trade