Source code for tensortrade.instruments.quantity

# Copyright 2019 The TensorTrade Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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import operator

from typing import Union, Tuple
from numbers import Number

from tensortrade.base.exceptions import InvalidNegativeQuantity, IncompatibleInstrumentOperation, \
    InvalidNonNumericQuantity, QuantityOpPathMismatch

[docs]class Quantity: """An size of a financial instrument for use in trading. """ def __init__(self, instrument: 'Instrument', size: float = 0, path_id: str = None): if size < 0: raise InvalidNegativeQuantity(size) self._size = size self._instrument = instrument self._path_id = path_id @property def size(self) -> float: return self._size @size.setter def size(self, size: float): self._size = size @property def instrument(self) -> 'Instrument': return self._instrument @instrument.setter def instrument(self, instrument: 'Exchange'): raise ValueError("You cannot change a Quantity's Instrument after initialization.") @property def path_id(self) -> str: return self._path_id @path_id.setter def path_id(self, path_id: str): self._path_id = path_id @property def is_locked(self) -> bool: return bool(self._path_id)
[docs] def lock_for(self, path_id: str): self._path_id = path_id
[docs] def free(self): return Quantity(self.instrument, self.size)
[docs] @staticmethod def validate(left, right) -> Tuple['Quantity', 'Quantity']: if isinstance(left, Quantity) and isinstance(right, Quantity): if left.instrument != right.instrument: raise IncompatibleInstrumentOperation(left, right) if (left.path_id and right.path_id) and (left.path_id != right.path_id): raise QuantityOpPathMismatch(left.path_id, right.path_id) elif left.path_id and not right.path_id: right.path_id = left.path_id elif not left.path_id and right.path_id: left.path_id = right.path_id return left, right elif isinstance(left, Number) and isinstance(right, Quantity): left = Quantity(right.instrument, float(left), right.path_id) return left, right elif isinstance(left, Quantity) and isinstance(right, Number): right = Quantity(left.instrument, float(right), left.path_id) return left, right elif isinstance(left, Quantity): raise InvalidNonNumericQuantity(right) elif isinstance(right, Quantity): raise InvalidNonNumericQuantity(left) return left, right
@staticmethod def _bool_operation(left: Union['Quantity', float, int], right: Union['Quantity', float, int], bool_op: operator) -> bool: left, right = Quantity.validate(left, right) boolean = bool_op(left.size, right.size) if not isinstance(boolean, bool): raise Exception("`bool_op` cannot return a non-bool type ({}).".format(boolean)) return boolean @staticmethod def _math_operation(left: Union['Quantity', float, int], right: Union['Quantity', float, int], op: operator) -> 'Quantity': left, right = Quantity.validate(left, right) size = op(left._size, right._size) return Quantity(left.instrument, size, left.path_id) def __add__(self, other: Union['Quantity', float, int]) -> 'Quantity': return Quantity._math_operation(self, other, operator.add) def __sub__(self, other: Union['Quantity', float, int]) -> 'Quantity': return Quantity._math_operation(self, other, operator.sub) def __iadd__(self, other: Union['Quantity', float, int]) -> 'Quantity': return Quantity._math_operation(self, other, operator.iadd) def __isub__(self, other: Union['Quantity', float, int]) -> 'Quantity': return Quantity._math_operation(self, other, operator.isub) def __mul__(self, other: Union['Quantity', float, int]) -> 'Quantity': return Quantity._math_operation(self, other, operator.mul) def __rmul__(self, other: Union['Quantity', float, int]) -> 'Quantity': return Quantity.__mul__(self, other) def __lt__(self, other: Union['Quantity', float, int]) -> bool: return Quantity._bool_operation(self, other, def __gt__(self, other: Union['Quantity', float, int]) -> bool: return Quantity._bool_operation(self, other, def __eq__(self, other: Union['Quantity', float, int]) -> bool: return Quantity._bool_operation(self, other, operator.eq) def __ne__(self, other: Union['Quantity', float, int]) -> bool: return Quantity._bool_operation(self, other, def __neg__(self) -> bool: return operator.neg(self.size) def __str__(self): s = "{0:." + str(self.instrument.precision) + "f}" + " {1}" s = s.format(self.size, self.instrument.symbol) return s def __repr__(self): return str(self)